Saturday, August 31, 2019

Examples of food and their correspondent personality Essay

Person who prefers vanilla flavor are said to be full of colors, they usually depend on another person and they are said to be needy, they are also said to be an idealistic person and they always tend to take risks (RYCKMAN, 2006). They are also said to be a person who loves an intent or very close relationship with other people, either partner or friends (RYCKMAN, 2006). Double chocolate chunk A person who prefers this type of flavor is said to be enjoying whenever he/she is the attention catcher. This person is also said to be charming and yet has the personality trait of being flirt (RYCKMAN, 2006). This person also loves and prefers novelty types and is said to hate routinely activities because they are bored by it (RYCKMAN, 2006). 3. Strawberry A person who prefers strawberry flavor is those who are contented being just on of those who follow rather than to be a leader, they prefer working behind the spotlight (RYCKMAN, 2006). They also prefer working being just a part of the team and not as an individual (RYCKMAN, 2006) 4. Coffee a person who prefers this flavor is said to be a dramatic one, hence he/she is flirtatious (RYCKMAN, 2006) They prefer to live with what they have and what they can do in their present situation rather than that of thinking what they could have or what they could do in the future (RYCKMAN, 2006). 5. Banana cream pie A person who prefers this kind of flavor is said to be an easygoing problem, a person who is said to be well-adjust (RYCKMAN, 2006). Is said to be having the trait of being empathetic (RYCKMAN, 2006) 6. Chocolate chip A person who loves this certain flavor is said to be full of ambitions, they tend to do everything to get what they wish to have (RYCKMAN, 2006). They are also said to be a good competitor. They love competing with others (RYCKMAN, 2006). 7. Butter pecan A person with this preference on food flavor is said to be a person who has his/her principles, they also tend to be always abiding rules and they are said to be intelligent (RYCKMAN, 2006). They are also conscientious, they follow people’s morality and they are also said to be a perfectionist person. Sometimes they tend to compete with others but they are also the ones who tend to criticize their selves (RYCKMAN, 2006). Conclusion I’ve learned that there is indeed a relationship between a person’s personality trait and his/her preference to food flavors but this is only probabilities. It is said that different flavors reflects person of who they are, like extravert persons who prefers sweet and is said to be active or hyper. On the other hand, extraversive people do not have any relationship with savory foods. Meanwhile neurotic people are the ones who preferred savory foods rather than that of sweet tasting foods hence there is a weak correlation between them, on the other hand neuroticism personality is said to be very inclined with their emotions whether in a positive or in a negative way. Therefore as the time passes, there is a lot of evolution that has happened with regards in figuring out personalities of a person, and now, the flavor of food preference can even tell our personality. References Center, P. T. (2000 – 2007). Power Tests [Electronic Version] from http://www. personalitytest. net/power/index. htm. John Davis, P. D. (1997). CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH METHODS [Electronic Version] from http://clem. mscd. edu/~davisj/prm2/correl1. html#5. KFC. (2005). YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT?THINK TWICE AMERICA, YOUR FLAVOR PREFERENCE SAYS A LOT MORE ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY THAN YOU KNOW [Electronic Version] from http://www. kfc. com/about/pressreleases/090905. asp. RYCKMAN, L. (2006). Pretzel logic: Researcher claims food choices reflect people’s personalities [Electronic Version] from http://seattlepi. nwsource. com/lifestyle/267289_foodsigns20. html? source=mypi. Srivastava, S. (2006). Measuring the Big Five Personality Factors [Electronic Version] from http://darkwing. uoregon. edu/~sanjay/bigfive. html#whatisit.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Study of Cash Flows Statement

I. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present and explain the statement of cash flows by incorporating the statements No. 95, 102 and 104 that establish standards for cash flows reporting issued by FASB[i]. FASB Statement No. 95 (FAS 95) â€Å"Statement of Cash Flows† supersedes APB Opinion No. 9, Reporting Changes in Financial Position, and requires a statement of cash flows as part of a full set of financial statements for all business enterprises[ii] in place of a statement of changes in financial position and classify cash receipts and payments according to whether they stem from operating, investing, or financing activities and provides definitions of each category. FASB Statement No. 102 (FAS 102) amends FAS 95, to exempt from the requirement to provide a statement of cash flows (a) defined benefit pension plans covered by FASB Statement No. 5, Accounting and Reporting by Defined Benefit Pension Plans[iii] , and certain other employee benefit plans and (b) high ly liquid investment companies that meet specified conditions. This Statement also requires that cash receipts and cash payments resulting from acquisitions and sales of (a) securities and other assets that are acquired specifically for resale and carried at market value in a trading account and (b) loans that are acquired specifically for resale and carried at market value or the lower of cost or market value be classified as operating cash flows in a statement of cash flows. FASB Statement No. 104 (FAS 104) amends FAS 95 to permit banks, savings institutions, and credit unions to report in a statement of cash flows certain net cash receipts and cash payments for (a) deposits placed with other financial institutions and withdrawals of deposits, (b) time deposits accepted and repayments of deposits, and (c) loans made to customers and principal collections of loans. This Statement also amends FAS 95 to permit cash flows resulting from futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts, or swap contracts that are accounted for as hedges of identifiable transactions or events to be classified in the same category as the cash flows from the items being hedged provided that accounting policy is disclosed. II. Purpose of a Statement of Cash Flows The purpose of a statement of cash flows is: 1. To provide relevant information about the cash receipts and cash payments of an enterprise during a period 2. To help investors, creditors, and others to assess; 2. 1. The enterprise's ability to generate positive future net cash flows 2. 2. The enterprise's ability to meet its obligations, its ability to pay dividends, and its needs for external financing 2. 3. The reasons for differences between net income and associated cash receipts and payments 2. 4. The effects on an enterprise's financial position of both its cash and noncash investing and financing transactions during the period. So the objectives of standards of financial accounting and reporting is to require the presentation of information about the historical changes in cash and cash equivalents of an enterprise by means of the statement of cash flows which classifies cash flows during the period according to operating, investing and financing activities. III. Focus on Cash and Cash Equivalents A statement of cash flows explains the changes in cash[iv] (cash on hand and demand deposits) and cash equivalents during a period. Cash equivalents comprise the short-term, highly liquid investments that are (i) readily convertible to a known amount of cash and (ii) that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Generally an investment normally meets the definition of a cash equivalent when it has a maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition. Equity investments are normally excluded, unless they are in substance a cash equivalent (e. g. preferred shares acquired within three months of their specified redemption date). Bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and which form an integral part of an enterprise's cash management are also included as a component of cash and cash equivalents. Examples of items commonly considered to be cash equivalents are treasury bills, commercial paper, money market funds, and federal funds sold (for an enterprise with banking operations). Cash purchases and sales of those investments generally are part of the enterprise's cash management activities rather than part of its operating, investing, and financing activities, and details of those transactions need not be reported in a statement of cash flows. An enterprise shall establish a policy concerning which short-term, highly liquid investments that satisfy the said definition of cash equivalents. For example, an enterprise having banking operations might decide that all investments that qualify except for those purchased for its trading account will be treated as cash equivalents, while an enterprise whose operations consist largely of investing in short-term, highly liquid investments might decide that all those items will be treated as investments rather than cash equivalents. An enterprise shall disclose its policy for determining which items are treated as cash equivalents. Any change to that policy is a change in accounting principle that shall be affected by restating financial statements for earlier years presented for comparative purposes. IV. Gross and net cash flows Generally, information about the gross amounts of cash receipts and cash payments during a period is more relevant than information about the net amounts of cash receipts and payments. However, the net amount of related receipts and payments provides sufficient information not only for cash equivalents as noted in section III, but also for certain other classes of cash flows that have quick turnover, large amounts and short maturities. For certain other items such as demand deposits of a bank and customer accounts payable of a broker-dealer, the enterprise is substantively holding or disbursing cash on behalf of its customers. Only the net changes during the period in assets and liabilities with those characteristics need be reported because knowledge of the gross cash receipts and payments related to them may not be necessary to understand the enterprise's operating, investing, and financing activities[v]. Items that qualify for net reporting because their turnover is quick, their amounts are large, and their maturities are short are cash receipts and payments pertaining to (a) investments (other than cash equivalents), (b) loans receivable, and (c) debt, providing that the original maturity of the asset or liability is three months or less[vi]. Banks, savings institutions, and credit unions are not required to report gross amounts of cash receipts and cash payments for (a) deposits placed with other financial institutions and withdrawals of deposits, (b) time deposits accepted and repayments of deposits, and (c) loans made to customers and principal collections of loans. When those enterprises constitute part of a consolidated enterprise, net amounts of cash receipts and cash payments for deposit or lending activities of those enterprises shall be reported separate from gross amounts of cash receipts and cash payments for other investing and financing activities of the consolidated enterprise, including those of a subsidiary of a bank, savings institution, or credit union that is not itself a bank, savings institution, or credit union. V. Classification of Cash Receipts and Cash Payments A statement of cash flows shall classify cash receipts and cash payments as resulting from investing, financing, or operating activities[vii]. |Cash Flows from Investing Activities[viii] | |Cash inflows from receipts including; |Cash outflows for disbursements / payments including; | | | | |1. ollections of loans made by the enterprise |1. making loans by the enterprise | |2. sales of other entities' debt instruments (other than cash |2. acquire debt instruments of other entities (other than cash | |equivalents and certain debt instruments that are acquired |equivalents and certain debt instruments that are acquired | |specifically for resale) that were purchased by the enterprise |specifically | |3. ales of equity instruments of other enterprises (other than |for resale) | |certain equity instruments carried in a trading account) |3. acquire equity instruments of other enterprises (other than | |and from returns of investment in those instruments |certain equity instruments carrie d in a trading account) | |4. sales of property, plant, and equipment and other productive |4. t the time of purchase or soon before or after purchase[ix] to | |assets. |acquire property, plant, and equipment and other productive | | |assets[x]. | | | | | | |Cash Flows from Financing Activities |Cash inflows from; |Cash outflows for; | | | | |1. Proceeds from issuing equity instruments |1. Payments of dividends or other distributions to owners, including | |2. Proceeds from issuing bonds, mortgages, notes, and from |outlays to reacquire the enterprise's equity instruments | |other short- or long-term borrowing. |2. Repayments of amounts borrowed | | |3. Other principal payments to creditors who have extended long-term | | |credit[xi]. | | | |Cash Flows from Operating Activities[xii] | |Cash inflows includes; |Cash outflows includes; | |1. Cash receipts from sales of goods[xiii] or services, |1. Cash payments to acquire materials for manufacture or goods[xiv] | |including receipts from collection or sale of accounts and both |for resale, including principal | |short- and long-term notes receivable from customers arising |payments on accounts and both short- and long-term notes payable to | |from those sales |suppliers for those materials or goods | |2. Cash receipts from returns on loans, other debt instruments |2. Cash payments to other suppliers and employees for other goods or | |of other entities, and equity securities—interest and dividends |services | |3. All other cash receipts that do not stem from transactions |c. Cash payments to governments for taxes, duties, fines, and other | |defined as investing or financing activities, such as amounts |fees or penalties | |received to settle lawsuits; proceeds of nsurance settlements |3. Cash payments to lenders and other creditors for interest | |except for those that are directly related to investing or |4. All other cash payments that do not stem from transactions defined| |financing activities, such as from destruction of a building; |as investing or financing activities, such as payments to settle | |and refunds from suppliers. |lawsuits, cash contributions to charities, and cash refunds to | | |customers. It is notable that certain cash receipts and payments may have aspects of more than one class of cash flows. For example, the ac quisition and sale of equipment to be used by the enterprise or rented to others generally are investing activities. However, equipment sometimes is acquired or produced to be used by the enterprise or rented to others for a short period and then sold. In those circumstances, the acquisition or production and subsequent sale of those assets shall be considered operating activities. Cash flows relating to extraordinary items should be classified as operating, investing or financing as appropriate and should be separately disclosed. The exchange rate used for translation of transactions denominated in a foreign currency and the cash flows of a foreign subsidiary should be the rate in effect at the date of the cash flows. [xv] Cash flows of foreign subsidiaries should be translated at the exchange rates prevailing when the cash flows took place. As regards the cash flows of associates and joint ventures, where the equity method is used, the cash flow statement should report only cash flows between the investor and the investee; where proportionate consolidation is used, the cash flow statement should include the venturer's share of the cash flows of the investee. Financial statements shall not report an amount of cash flow per share. Neither cash flow nor any component of it is an alternative to net income as an indicator of an enterprise's performance, as reporting per share amounts might imply. VI. Content and Form of the Statement of Cash Flows A statement of cash flows for a period shall report net cash provided or used by operating, investing, and financing activities[xvi] and the net effect of those flows on cash and cash equivalents during the period in a manner that reconciles beginning and ending cash and cash equivalents. In reporting cash flows from operating activities, enterprises are encouraged to use Direct Method to shows each major class of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments[xvii]. The operating cash flows section of the cash flow statement under the direct method would appear something like this: |Cash receipts from customers |xx,xxx | |Cash paid to suppliers |xx,xxx | |Cash paid to employees |xx,xxx | |Cash paid for other operating expenses |xx,xxx | |Interest paid |xx,xxx | |Income taxes paid |xx,xxx | |Net cash from operating activities |xx,xxx | Enterprises that do so should, at a minimum, separately report the following classes of operating cash receipts and payments: Enterprises that choose not to provide information about major classes of operating receipts and payments by the direct method shall determine and report the same amount for net cash flow from operating activities indirectly by adjusting net income to reconcile it to net cash flow from operating activities (the indirect or reconciliation method). The Indirect Method adjusts accrual basis net profit or loss for the effects of non-cash transactions. The operating cash flows section of the cash flow statement under the indirect method would appear something like this: |Profit before interest and income taxes |  |xx,xxx | |Add back depreciation |  |xx,xxx | |Add back amortization of goodwill |  |xx,xxx | |Increase in receivables |  |xx,xxx | |Decrease in inventories |  |xx,xxx | |Increase in trade payables |  |xx,xxx | |Interest expense | |xx,xxx | |Less Interest accrued but not yet paid | |  xx,xxx | |Interest paid |  |xx,xxx | |Income taxes paid |  |xx,xxx | |Net cash from operating activities |  |xx,xxx | That requires adjusting net income to remove (a) the effects of all deferrals of past operating cash receipts and payments, such as changes during the period in inventory, deferred income, and the like, and all accruals of expected future operating cash receipts and payments, such as changes during the period in receivables and payables[xviii], and (b) the effects of all items whose cash effects are investing or financing cash flows, such as depreciation, amortization of goodwill, and gains or losses on sales of property, plant, and equipment and discontinued operations (which relate to investing activities), and gains or losses on extinguishment of debt (which is a financing activity). If the direct method of reporting net cash flow from operating activities is used, the reconciliation of net income to net cash flow from operating activities shall be provided in a separate schedule. If the indirect method is used, the reconciliation may be either reported within the statement of cas h flows or provided in a separate schedule, with the statement of cash flows reporting only the net cash flow from operating activities. If the reconciliation is presented in the statement of cash flows, all adjustments to net income to determine net cash flow from operating activities shall be clearly identified as reconciling items. Except for items described in section IV paragraphs 2 and 3, both investing/financing cash inflows and outflows shall be reported separately in a statement of cash flows—for example, outlays for acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment shall be reported separately from proceeds from sales of property, plant, and equipment; proceeds of borrowings shall be reported separately from repayments of debt; and proceeds from issuing stock shall be reported separately from outlays to reacquire the enterprise's stock. VII. Information about Noncash Investing and Financing Activities Information about all investing and financing activities of an enterprise during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period shall be reported in related disclosures. Examples of noncash investing and financing transactions are converting debt to equity; acquiring assets by assuming directly related liabilities, such as purchasing a building by incurring a mortgage to the seller; obtaining an asset by entering into a capital lease; and exchanging noncash assets or liabilities for other noncash assets or liabilities. Some transactions are part cash and part noncash; only the cash portion shall be reported in the statement of cash flows. VIII. Exemptions from the Requirement to Provide a Statement of Cash Flows A statement of cash flows is not required to be provided by a defined benefit pension plan that presents financial information in accordance with the provisions of Statement 35. Other employee benefit plans that present financial information similar to that required by Statement 35 (including the presentation of plan investments at fair value) also are not required to provide a statement of cash flows. Employee benefit plans are encouraged to include a statement of cash flows with their annual financial statements when that statement would provide relevant information about the ability of the plan to meet future obligations (for example, when the plan invests in assets that are not highly liquid or obtains financing for investments). For an investment enterprise (an investment company, an investment enterprise, a common trust fund, variable annuity account, or similar fund maintained by a bank, insurance company, or other enterprise in its capacity as a trustee, administrator, or guardian for the collective investment and reinvestment of moneys) to be exempt from the requirement to provide a statement of cash flows, all of the following conditions must be met: a. During the period, substantially all of the enterprise's investments were highly liquid (for example, marketable securities, and other assets for which a market is readily available). b. Substantially all of the enterprise's investments are carried at market value[xix]. c. The enterprise had little or no debt, based on the average debt outstanding[xx] during the period, in relation to average total assets. d. The enterprise provides a statement of changes in net assets. IX. Classification of Cash Flows from Acquisitions and Sales of Certain Securities and Other Assets Banks, brokers and dealers in securities, and other enterprises may carry securities and other assets in a trading account[xxi]. Cash receipts and cash payments resulting from purchases and sales of securities and other assets shall be classified as operating cash flows if those assets are acquired specifically for resale and are carried at market value in a trading account. Some loans are similar to securities in a trading account in that they are originated or purchased specifically for resale and are held for short periods of time. Cash receipts and cash payments resulting from acquisitions and sales of loans lso shall be classified as operating cash flows if those loans are acquired specifically for resale and are carried at market value or at the lower of cost or market value[xxii]. Cash receipts resulting from sales of loans that were not specifically acquired for resale shall be cla ssified as investing cash inflows. That is, if loans were acquired as investments, cash receipts from sales of those loans shall be classified as investing cash inflows regardless of a change in the purpose for holding those loans. X. Net Reporting of Certain Cash Receipts and Cash Payments According to FAS No. 95, information about the gross amounts of cash receipts and cash payments during a period generally is more relevant than information about the net amounts of cash receipts and cash payments. However, for certain items, the net amount of cash receipts and cash payments may provide sufficient information. For example, gross cash flows need not be reported for demand deposits of a bank or for investments, loans receivable, and debt of any enterprise if the original maturity of the asset or liability is three months or less. As a result banks, savings institutions, and credit unions are not required to report gross amounts of cash receipts and cash payments for (a) deposits placed with other financial institutions and withdrawals of deposits, (b) time deposits accepted and repayments of deposits, and (c) loans made to customers and principal collections of loans. When those enterprises constitute part of a consolidated enterprise, net amounts of cash receipts and cash payments for deposit or lending activities of those enterprises shall be reported separate from gross amounts of cash receipts and cash payments for other investing and financing activities of the consolidated enterprise. XI. Classification of Cash Flows from Hedging Transactions The Board received requests from various enterprises to reconsider the classification of cash flows from an item that is intended as a hedge of another item. Those requests generally focused on cash flows from a futures contract or forward contract that is accounted for as a hedge of an inventory transaction. FAS 104 modifies FAS 95 to permit cash flows resulting from futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts, or swap contracts that are accounted for as hedges of identifiable transactions or events (for example, a cash payment from a futures contract that hedges a purchase or sale of inventory), including anticipatory hedges, to be classified in the same category as the cash flows from the items being hedged provided that accounting policy is disclosed. If for any reason hedge accounting for an instrument that hedges an identifiable transaction or event is discontinued, then any cash flows subsequent to the date of discontinuance shall be classified consistent with the nature of the instrument. Endnotes ———————– i]- â€Å"Portions of various FASB Statements, copyright  © by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, 401 Merritt 7, PO Box 5116, Norwalk, CT 06856-5116, USA, are reproduced with permission. Complete copies of these documents are available from the FASB. † [ii]- A statement of cash flows is not required for defined benefit pension plans and certain other employee benefit plans or for certain investment companies as provided by FAS 102, Statement of Cash Flows—Exemption of Certain Enterprises and Classification of Cash Flows from Certain Securities Acquired for Resale. [iii]- The financial reporting requirements of defined benefit pension plans are addressed in Statement 35. Paragraph 6 of that Statement specifies that the annual financial statements of a plan shall include: (a) A statement that includes information regarding the net assets available for benefits as of the end of the plan year (b) A statement that includes information regarding the changes during the year in the net assets available for benefits (c) Information regarding the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of either the beginning or end of the plan year (d) Information regarding the effects, if significant, of certain factors affecting the year-to-year change in the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits. Statement 35 also states that existing generally accepted accounting principles other than those discussed in that Statement may apply to the financial statements of defined benefit pension plans. iv]- Consistent with common usage, cash includes not only currency on hand but demand deposits with banks or other financial institutions. Cash also inclu des other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits in that the customer may deposit additional funds at any time and also effectively may withdraw funds at any time without prior notice or penalty. All charges and credits to those accounts are cash receipts or payments to both the entity owning the account and the bank holding it. For example, a bank's granting of a loan by crediting the proceeds to a customer's demand deposit account is a cash payment by the bank and a cash receipt of the customer when the entry is made. v]- cash flows from investing and financing activities should be reported gross by major class of cash receipts and major class of cash payments except for the following cases, which may be reported on a net basis: Cash receipts and payments on behalf of customers (for example, receipt and repayment of demand deposits by banks, and receipts collected on behalf of and paid over to the owner of a property). Cash receipts and payments for items in which the turnover is quick, the amounts are large, and the maturities are short, generally less than three months (for example, charges and collections from credit card customers, and purchase and sale of investments). cash receipts and payments relating to fixed maturity deposits. Cash advances and loans made to customers and repayments thereof. Investing and financing transactions which do not require the use of cash should be excluded from the cash flow statement, but they should be separately disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements. vi]- For this purpose, amounts due on demand are considered to have maturities of three months or less. For convenience, credit card receivables of financial services operations–generally, receivables resulting from cardholder charges that may, at the cardholder's option, be paid in full when first billed, usually within one month, without incurring interest charges and that do not stem from the enterprise's sale of good s or services–also are considered to be loans with original maturities of three months or less. [vii]- Generally, each cash receipt or payment is to be classified according to its nature without regard to whether it stems from an item intended as a hedge of another item. For example, the proceeds of a borrowing are a financing cash inflow even though the debt is intended as a hedge of an investment, and the purchase or sale of a futures contract is an investing activity even though the contract is intended as a hedge of a firm commitment to purchase inventory. However, cash flows from futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts, or swap contracts that are accounted for as hedges of identifiable transactions or events (for example, a cash payment from a futures contract same category as the cash flows from the items being hedged provided that accounting policy is that hedges a purchase or sale of inventory), including anticipatory hedges, may be classified in the disclosed. If for any reason hedge accounting for an instrument that hedges an identifiable transaction or event is discontinued, then any cash flows subsequent to the date of discontinuance shall be classified consistent with the nature of the instrument. [viii]- Investing activities exclude acquiring and disposing of certain loans or other debt or equity instruments that are acquired specifically for resale, as discussed in Statement 102. [ix]- Generally, only advance payments, the down payment, or other amounts paid at the time of purchase or soon before or after purchase of property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets are investing cash outflows. Incurring directly related debt to the seller is a financing transaction, and subsequent payments of principal on that debt thus are financing cash outflows. x]- Payments to acquire productive assets include interest capitalized as part of the cost of those assets. [xi]- Refer to footnote 8 which indicates that most principal payments on seller-financed debt directly related to a purchase of property, plant, and equipment or other productive assets are financing cash outflows. [xii]- Operating activities include all transactions and other events that are not defined as investing or financing activities in paragraphs 15-20. Operating activities generally involve producing and delivering goods and providing services. Cash flows from operating activities are generally the cash effects of transactions and other events that enter into the determination of net income. xiii]- The term goods include certain loans and other debt and equity instruments of other enterprises that are acquired specifically for resale, as discussed in Statement 102. [xiv]- The term goods include certain loans and other debt and equity instruments of other enterprises that are acquired specifically for resale, as discussed in Statement 102. [xv]- Paragraph 12 of FASB Statement No. 52, Foreign Currency Translation, recognizes the general imprac ticality of translating revenues, expenses, gains, and losses at the exchange rates on dates they are recognized and permits an appropriately weighted average exchange rate for the period to be used to translate those elements. This Statement applies that provision to cash receipts and cash payments. xvi]- Separate disclosure of cash flows pertaining to extraordinary items or discontinued operations reflected in those categories is not required. An enterprise that nevertheless chooses to report separately operating cash flows of discontinued operations shall do so consistently for all periods affected, which may include periods long after sale or liquidation of the operation. [xvii]- a. Cash collected from customers, including lessees, licensees, and the like b. Interest and dividends received c. Other operating cash receipts, if any d. Cash paid to employees and other suppliers of goods or services, including suppliers of insurance, advertising, and the like e. Interest paid f. Inc ome taxes paid g. Other operating cash payments, if any. xviii]- Adjustments to net income to determine net cash flow from operating activities shall reflect accruals for interest earned but not received and interest incurred but not paid. Those accruals may be reflected in the statement of financial position in changes in assets and liabilities that relate to investing or financing activities, such as loans or deposits. However, interest credited directly to a deposit account that has the general characteristics described footnote 1, is a cash outflow of the payor and a cash inflow of the payee when the entry is made. [xix]- Securities for which market value is determined using matrix pricing techniques, which are described in the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide, Audits of Investment Companies, would meet this condition. Other securities for which market value is not readily determinable and for which fair value must be determined in good faith by the board of directors would not. [xx]- For the purpose of determining average debt outstanding, obligations resulting from redemptions of shares by the enterprise from unsettled purchases of securities or similar assets, or from covered options written generally may be excluded. However, any extension of credit by the seller that is not in accordance with standard industry practices for redeeming shares or for settling purchases of investments shall be included in average debt outstanding. [xxi]- Characteristics of trading account activities are described in FASB Statement No. 9, Financial Reporting and Changing Prices, and in the AICPA Industry Audit Guide, Audits of Banks, and Audit and Accounting Guide, Audits of Brokers and Dealers in Securities. [xxii]- Mortgage loans and mortgage-backed securities held for sale are required to be reported at the lowe r of cost or market value in accordance with FASB Statement No. 65, Accounting for Certain Mortgage Banking Activities. References 1. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 95 Statement of Cash Flows November 1987 Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Financial Accounting Foundation 401 MERRITT 7, P. O. BOX 5116, NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06856-5116 2. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 102 Statement of Cash Flows—Exemption of Certain Enterprises and Classification of Cash Flows from Certain Securities Acquired for Resale an amendment of FASB Statement No. 95 February 1989 Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Financial Accounting Foundation 401 MERRITT 7, P. O. BOX 5116, NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06856-5116 3. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 104 Statement of Cash Flows—Net Reporting of Certain Cash Receipts and Cash Payments and Classification of Cash Flows from Hedging Transactions an amendment of FASB Statement No. 95 December 1989 Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Financial Accounting Foundation 401 MERRITT 7, P. O. BOX 5116, NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06856-511

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bank of America case analysis Essay

Problem statement The main problem in this case is that whether bank of America add the complicate app and add more new features or not. If they add the new complexity application, it could cost lot of money, and it could also give their users some negative effect. Like the case described â€Å"it is unclear if users were ready to sign up for mortgages or credit cards on their mobile phones.† BofA concerns about how the mobile banking affect their customers. Because behavioral factor is very important that made people to accept the new things reluctantly or not. From the market survey we know that there are three main reasons that people not to use the mobile banking: concerns of security, cost of data, less value. So if bank of America want to add their new app or add more futures, they should cope with those three factors at first. Recommendation I think bank of America should add new apps, because they can get improvement about their customer loyalty and satisfaction, and they can gain more market share form this way. If they didn’t build it, maybe they will behind that of other banks. Another reason is that with the development of the communication technology, there will be have full of the customers have their smartphone rather than the regular phones, so it can give bank of America more confidence to add app for smartphone customers. One of the most reasons for people not using mobile banking is the security concern. So how to improve security on people’s mobile devices has become a very important thing. They can make an external device for their mobile banking. The external device can insert into the headphone jack on smartphone. After the connection, customer should slide their card, and then system will be prompted to enter some personal authentication information, and then will send a message for their s martphone to get the verification code before use the mobile banking to do their account activities. Customer can get this external device for free if they open an account at bank of America. But if they lost it they should pay it for $30 to get another. This external device can make sure that customers don’t have to worry about security issues. With this security problem solved, BofA will gain more customers and more market shares.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

International trade theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International trade theory - Essay Example Economists beginning from the age of Adam Smith nevertheless, have vehemently refuted this theory and established the concept of comparative advantage which could arise only when the scope of international trade is open. Comparative advantage theory which is widely followed today states that factors of production are not available uniformly around the world. It is wise for a nation not to invest in producing all its needs; rather it could specialise in the production of the good which could be produced most efficiently and at the cheapest rates (Peng, 2008, p. 127). This is the innate strategy being followed by most successful nations in the world today. Hence, it could be claimed that mercantilism is a bankrupt theory that has no place in the modern world. Answer to Question 2 Free trade is an economic phenomenon which supports an unbarred flow of goods and services across international boundaries. Since there is no government intervention in this case, the actual demand and supply positions of the commodity in question is reflected through its market price. Since there are no mark ups to prices, such a policy is advantageous for the producers as well as consumers of the concerned commodity. However, government intervention could be regarded as necessary in case of certain exhaustible resources whose supply needs to be rationed to guarantee future consumption as well. Such a restriction cannot be imposed in situations where free trade exists. A good example is that of oil prices which had been at pretty low rates prior to 1971, when these values were guided by market mechanism. However, concerns about the precious resources being replenished compelled the World Trade Organisation to sanction its restrictive use. Answer to Question 3 There has been an increasing tendency among developed nations to assume a protectionist position in many aspects of international trade. Many of them who had previously sought the services of less developed or emerging nations to c ater to the needs of their residents, have turned dead against such a strategy, posing a view that such a mindset could hamper employment opportunities in the recipient nation. They have termed it as â€Å"unfair† import competition due to the potential loss of jobs that such practice is leading to. Such a standpoint however has differentiated impacts upon various sections of the recipient nation. (a) It might be of high interest for the union houses who often adopt practices to apparently pacify the workers and show them the former’s alignment to them. (b) The people who are represented by the unions might be benefitted if the national government adopts such policies, since in the short run, they would be rewarded with higher employment opportunities. (c) The nation however, is likely to land up in a worse situation since they have to subsidise the companies which adhered to such practices. Even if they decide not to fund their needs, they would be in an inferior posi tion given that the companies no longer reap as wide a profit margin as before which reduces the national income statistics. Answer to Question 4 A free-trade regime had been supported by Ricardian economic theory after David Ricardo pointed out the scope of comparative advantage that partner

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Southern Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Southern Company - Essay Example Employees at various organizational levels are required to take important strategic decisions regarding their work. Unless employees have the right skills, knowledge and the acumen of taking correct and timely decisions for meeting their job responsibilities, organizations will not be able perform efficiently (Sharif, 2002). Some of the important aspects of talent management considered by strategic leaders of Southern Company are recruitment, selection and training of employees, placement, training and development program implementation, mentoring and leadership development. Since talent management and development requires investment of time, money and skills, most organizational leaders are seen to give low importance towards this aspect. Company’s selection and recruitment processes lack efficiency as a result of which employee turnover is seen to be high. Also, when candidates are not mapped suitably, they get placed in jobs without adequate talent match. This leads to ineffective performance and lack of dedication. It is also significantly important that organizational leaders develop training programs in order to enhance skills of the employees. Work conditions requirements are never constant. They keep changing along with the changing needs of business and the economy. Technological innovations also affect the manner in which work is performed within an organization. Due to such aspects, it becomes necessary that organizations impart training to their employees, so that their level of skill is enhanced and they can easily adapt with changing requirements of the business. These aspects must be deeply be considered by strategic leaders of the organization, who should develop suitable measures accordingly (Ashton & Morton, 2005). Objective metrics- This process involves collection of data regarding talent requirements present within the firm. For this, the firm must

Group project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Group project - Assignment Example Sending its customers birthday and gift cards and referring to them by their first names helps in creating a family atmosphere that makes the customers feel appreciated (Tierney & Kuby, 2008). In cases where the airline inconveniences its customers such as delayed flights or lost items, the company is quick to inform the clients and apologise on the spot if need be, in addition, the company also issues free tickets and other bonuses to customers that it has inconvenienced. In the case of delayed flights, the company also keeps the customers busy through a number of activities, which are fun and enjoyable to them. The company has also ensured the quality of their flights is of the highest standards, for instance, in the flights all its seat are made of leather in addition to full size cabins majority of which are fitted with WIFI connectivity, live and video-on-demand TV that are absolutely free to its customers. The safety of flights within the airline is also among its priorities, this is evident from the time that the airline has gone without a major accident. During flights, southwest airline offers free non-alcoholic beverages to its customers with alcoholic ones being offered at a small fee; in addition, it is one of the few airlines in the world that offers Dr Pepper to its customers. The company is also known to give peanuts or pretzels to its clients in all flights in addition to Nabisco snacks. This high quality of customer service has led to the airline being honored for its excellent ratings by the department of transportation; excellent customer ratings are determined by the number of complaints directed towards a certain airline and the lower the number of complaints the higher the ratings for customer satisfaction. Southwest airlines has scored excellently in these ratings with it having the lowest number of complaints since 1987. The company has a reward

Monday, August 26, 2019

Online Learning versus Classroom Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Online Learning versus Classroom Learning - Essay Example For the reason that there is no face-to-face interaction with the teacher, online learning gives more control to the learner and less to the educator. We are moving from a mode where the institution is in charge and provides context, to the mode where the learner is in charge and offers the context.Despite the fact that most learning occurs outside the classroom, most of one’s time spent as a student has probably been in a "traditional" classroom. Traditional classroom learning is more often than not focused on the teacher. Information tends to flow from instructor to students, and therefore can be more passive for students. This is often represented by the phrase "sage on the stage" since the teacher must in some way pass his or her knowledge on to the student. It goes without saying that many lecturers in the traditional classroom employ a very learner-focused composition as the online classroom explained above. While this is a potential, it is also rare. Since most teachers were trained in instructor-focused classrooms it is very difficult for them to break from this pattern. The online classroom proficiency and student proclivities in that environment are much more fitting for a learner-focused environment.Online learning is focused more on the student. Additional information (in the form of questions or comments) often flows from the student to the instructor (or CBT system). As a result of learners constructing their own learning, they are considered to be more effective. As more institutes begin to offer online educational programmes, analysts predict that more and more students will enroll in them. In fact, according to International Data Corporation, a market research firm, the number of students enrolled in distance-learning educational programmes will increase to an estimated 2.23 million in 2002, from 710,000 in 1998.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

TWOS anaylsis for 2 companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

TWOS anaylsis for 2 companies - Essay Example The company’s capital market investment performance gives it more financial capital growth. This can allow Milaha to seek opportunities in non-maritime activities. The company’s standardization will save costs, allowing for better capital availability to diversify services to different industrial segments. Milaha is also introducing new innovations in fleet capability that allows for greater service provision including subsea maintenance and firefighting. With growth in capital produced by a strengthening investment portfolio, the company can seek contracts with major oil companies to provide maintenance to oil rigs. The corporate governance team is not fully equipped to understand how to structure a new diversified service business. This weakness, however, can be overcome by practicing benchmarking of other companies in these industry sectors that will build a best practice framework throughout the entire value chain. An existing focus on primarily the Maritime & Logistics business also requires changing mindsets of executives to decentralize the business to provide for more effective collaboration. Divestiture of under-performing assets (such as real estate holdings) could improve the cash position of the business. Standardizing will provide the firm with many cost advantages. Threats of new market entrants that could offer lower pricing will allow Milaha to compete more effectively if price-sensitivity impacts contract procurement. Competitive rivalry is a threat if an emerging competitor becomes a cost leader and economies of scale can be a market barrier if achieved effectively in standardization of processes. New market entrants could make Milaha lose market share. However, the governance board is not familiar with how to develop competitive marketing strategies to build preference for this company’s brand in key pillar divisions. This threat can be overcome by building a governance committee focused on competitor analyses to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Stiffer legal penalties for drunk driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stiffer legal penalties for drunk driving - Essay Example In the US, most people die due to traffic crushes caused by elevated alcohol consumption with most of them being below the age 34. Many Americans are licensed drivers and the majority of them drink. This implies that many individuals drive after the consumption of alcohol in many occasions. Moreover, in some social categories, such as younger men, the habit of drinking while driving appear to be most favorable to create impaired drinking. Therefore, it is clear that drunk driving is a routine and expected aspect of most people, and it is supported by prevailing norms (Clinard & Meier 279). Presently, most people engage in unwanted drinking in their twenties. Drinking is not the problem but the way they drink augments the risks of alcohol-related accidents. Such drinking usually results into destructive consequences, and most particularly the deaths that are connected with the alcohol (Clinard & Meier 280). Most of the drivers who die in car accidents are usually tested positive for alcohol and it appears that drinkers not only risk their lives, but they also pose a serious public health threat. Since many drunken driving occurrences end in tragedy, individuals should avoid excessive drinking. One of the causes for the implementation of â€Å"stiffer legal penalties for drunk driving† is the increased deaths of people in traffic accidents due to drunk drivers. There has been the formation of many public-interest groups, which advocate on the problem and play visible roles in debate about drunken driving (Clinard & Meier 280). These groups have pressed stronger sanctions against drunk drivers and higher awareness of the problems linked with drinking drivers. Local chapters have spread all over the country, to try to influence the law implementation processes and penalties against drunk drivers. The stiffer legal penalties influence the drinking and driving behavior. Stiff legal punishments and active

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Proposal on contingency leadership theories Essay

Research Proposal on contingency leadership theories - Essay Example Any decision is based on a body of knowledge which is produced through research. By applying the appropriate methodologies and the research method, the body of knowledge can be established and advanced with confidence. Research is basically a systematic method of investigation which increases knowledge. Research relies on facts and experience, data, concepts and constructs, hypotheses and conjectures, and principles and laws (Amaratunga, Baldry, Sarshar, & Newton, 2002). The ultimate purpose of this research is to add knowledge to the already existing body of knowledge, which would facilitate the right decision on the leadership that would suit the situation. Attempts will be made to reach a suitable conclusion to the objectives. Although research has been considered important in every business activity, there is no consensus on how it should be carried out. There are different paradigms for research which are classified under qualitative or quantitative research. Amaratunga et al., suggest that research strategy should be chosen as a function of the research situation. Each strategy has its own approach to collect and interpret data and hence its strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages. As far as this research is concerned, the qualitative method or the inductive method of research is preferable because a lot of literature is available, with diverse opinions and it is essential to understand what is happening. Besides, topic, theory and methodology are closely interrelated. The deductive method would not bring to light the deeper, underlying meanings and explanations of the data collected. Taking large samples would be impractical and small studies over a period of time would help establish facts. It would enable to understand the totality of the situation and multiple methods can be used to establish different views of the phenomena. Leadership research is a conservative field and slow to innovate. Qualitative

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gender Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Gender Discrimination Essay How can you balance work and having a life? Balancing work and life you have to build downtime into your schedule. Make a point to spend time with family and friends. Set up activities that everyone can do and you can combine the two. Set goals, plan and organize what should come first. Having your goals set is much easier than to just go day to day. Work/Life balance is all about flexibility, but to have flexibility you need a support system around you. Both at work and at home. If you dont have the support its harder to deal. Having structure is important because it brings certainty into your world. Without structure life is a bit more chaotic. You then find that you use both physical and emotional energy to bring meaning and clarity to different situations. A good way to improve on your skills is to write things down. It may help you balance out your day, week, or even a whole month. Manage is a world which comes from experience. There are people who took things as they come and manage them accordingly. It is a will power and self-confidence which play a dice game here. Considering women are good managers when they balanced office and home life. Women have a lot going on when it comes to life period. In a large majority of families with children, both parents work, and women now hold half of all jobs. Majority of the time women do more of home caregiving then men. Some men think longs as they bring home the bacon thats all they need to do. Not at all, women work 40 hours a week, have to get kids ready for school, cook, clean, ECT. In my case school to for the adult and Im a single parent. Its so many issues and that alone can cause tension in your  relationship. Many women assume that the men in their lives pick up signals and hints about stuff like needing help at the house, and many men (not all, but honestly most that Ive had any kind of close relationship with) just arent good with those signals. I suppose its a classic issue within genders as well; it seems like many people assume that theyre sending out all kinds of signals to their boss that they want to move up, or have too big a workload, or whatever, those signals arent getting picked up on their end, and then we just get more and more frustrated! This should help people get a better understanding of working out your life and work life so that they both can balance. Everyones situation is different but itll all come together if you prioritize your life balance. Many people are able to accommodate work and home. You can solve your work life problem if your home life is up to par. Pat Katepoo, Founder, Year Published: 2008 Melanie Hawks is the Learning and Development Coordinator at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Charleston Dance Essay Example for Free

Charleston Dance Essay The Ibans perform a unique dance called the ngajat. It serves many purposes depending on the occasion. During Gawais, it is used to entertain the people who in the olden days enjoy graceful ngajats as a form of entertainment. The origin of this indigenous dance is not clearly known but it is believed to have been in existence along with the Iban tribe since the 16th Century. The Ngajat dance is believed to have been performed by warriors on their return from battles. . The male dancers wear large feathers as part of their headgear, hold an ornate and long shield in their hand with chains, beads and a loincloth called the ‘cawat’. The female dancers have an elaborate headdress, chains, beads and a ‘dress’ that reaches to below their knees with intricate weaving. Traditionally this dance was only performed by male dancers but not anymore. The dance is arranged straight lines and in a circle and does involve dramatic leaps and jumps performed by the male dancers. If the real tradition, the music if we dance ngajat we use the life music which have someone o group who play the music such as gong, Gongs and other ethnic percussion instruments such as the ‘enkeromong’, ‘bendai’, ‘canang’ and ‘dumbak or ketebong’ provide the music. The musicians may be either male oThe pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat,’ the Iban traditional dance must be kept burning among the Iban youngsters. The young Ibans should look back to the days of their parents or forefathers when there was so much pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat’. Ngajat is a warrior dance of the Iban tribe in Sarawak. It is said that ngajat is performed by the warriors upon their successful return, to celebrate their victory in battle. Today, the dance is performed as part of the Gawai Dayak celebrations. When performing the dance, the male dancers wear a headgear made from the tail feathers of the hornbill (though nowadays most likely artificial feather may be used, to save the birds). He holds a long sword in one hand and an ornately decorated shield in the other. Around his chest are necklaces made of beads and cowrie shells, and he wore a ceremonial cawat, or loincloth. The dancer make slow movements, as though stalking the enemy. This is interspersed with dramatic prances as though he is leaping forward to attack. The dance is performed accompanied by the music from tribal musical instruments, usually percussions, including the enkeromong, bendai, canang and dumbak or ketebong. There are several Ngajat dance such as Ngajat Induk, Ngajat bebunoh, Ngajat Lesong, Ngajat Semain, Ngajat Berayah and Ngajat â€Å"â€Å"Ngemai antu pala† Moreover, it symbolize the happy ending of another cycle of padi planting season, welcoming the God of Farming to the feast and giving thanks for the bountiful and successful harvest. In the past, a â€Å"Ngajat Semain† was performed by young Iban boys and girls who have just complete their Ngajat lessons taught to them after the heavy work of clearing the forest and burning season is over. The tempo of this Ngajat performed by the girls is slow and graceful displaying the beautiful design pattern of the newly completed â€Å"Pua Kumbu† woven by the girls during the farming cycle. As for the young boys, the tempo is also slow displaying their martial artistic and balancing skills in preparation to enter their adulthood life. This means that they will take more adult responsibility in the next farming season. This is also an opportunity for them to display their beautiful costumes, headgears, amulets such as Engkerimok, Simpai, Tumpa Bala and of course their new fully decorated swords and its design. At the present day, the Ngajat music and dance are perform to preserve the Iban Culture and for the younger generation to value the unique of it the dancer dance follow the music that have a group who play the music. These is the traditional dane,which the most popular in Sarawak. The Ibans perform a unique dance called the ngajat. It serves many purposes depending on the occasion. During Gawais, it is used to entertain the people who in the olden days enjoy graceful ngajats as a form of entertainment. The origin of this indigenous dance is not clearly known but it is believed to have been in existence along with the Iban tribe since the 16th Century. The Ngajat dance is believed to have been performed by warriors on their return from battles.. The male dancers wear large feathers as part of their headgear, hold an ornate and long shield in their hand with chains, beads and a loincloth called the ‘cawat’. The female dancers have an elaborate headdress, chains, beads and a ‘dress’ that reaches to below their knees with intricate weaving. Traditionally this dance was only performed by male dancers but not anymore. The dance is arranged straight lines and in a circle and does involve dramatic leaps and jumps performed by the male dancers. If the real tradition, the music if we dance ngajat we use the life music which have someone o group who play the music such as gong, Gongs and other ethnic percussion instruments such as the ‘enkeromong’, ‘bendai’, ‘canang’ and ‘dumbak or ketebong’ provide the music. The musicians may be either male oThe pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat,’ the Iban traditional dance must be kept burning among the Iban youngsters. The young Ibans should look back to the days of their parents or forefathers when there was so much pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat’. Ngajat is a warrior dance of the Iban tribe in Sarawak. It is said that ngajat is performed by the warriors upon their successful return, to celebrate their victory in battle. Today, the dance is performed as part of the Gawai Dayak celebrations. When performing the dance, the male dancers wear a headgear made from the tail feathers of the hornbill (though nowadays most likely artificial feather may be used, to save the birds). He holds a long sword in one hand and an ornately decorated shield in the other. Around his chest are necklaces made of beads and cowrie shells, and he wore a ceremonial cawat, or loincloth. The dancer make slow movements, as though stalking the enemy. This is interspersed with dramatic prances as though he is leaping forward to attack. The dance is performed accompanied by the music from tribal musical instruments, usually percussions, including the enkeromong, bendai, canang and dumbak or ketebong. There are several Ngajat dance such as Ngajat Induk, Ngajat bebunoh, Ngajat Lesong, Ngajat Semain, Ngajat Berayah and Ngajat â€Å"â€Å"Ngemai antu pala† Moreover, it symbolize the happy ending of another cycle of padi planting season, welcoming the God of Farming to the feast and giving thanks for the bountiful and successful harvest. In the past, a â€Å"Ngajat Semain† was performed by young Iban boys and girls who have just complete their Ngajat lessons taught to them after the heavy work of clearing the forest and burning season is over. The tempo of this Ngajat performed by the girls is slow and graceful displaying the beautiful design pattern of the newly completed â€Å"Pua Kumbu† woven by the girls during the farming cycle. As for the young boys, the tempo is also slow displaying their martial artistic and balancing skills in preparation to enter their adulthood life. This means that they will take more adult responsibility in the next farming season. This is also an opportunity for them to display their beautiful costumes, headgears, amulets such as Engkerimok, Simpai, Tumpa Bala and of course their new fully decorated swords and its design. At the present day, the Ngajat music and dance are perform to preserve the Iban Culture and for the younger generation to value the unique of it the dancer dance follow the music that have a group who play the music. These is the traditional dane,which the most popular in Sarawak.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Waste Management In The Construction Industry Construction Essay

Waste Management In The Construction Industry Construction Essay Management for the solid waste is one of the important parts of Environmental Engineering or Management in Construction Industry. As the construction industry worldwide is a conspicuous consumer of raw materials of many types and it does not have an enviable record in its attitude to managing the waste, it produced both during construction and as a result of the demolition of buildings. Although there are some demolition materials were recycled, such as doors and windows, or bricks, these components are limited that most of the construction waste has long been indiscriminately loaded into containers and taken to landfill with no attempt to salvage anything that might be of use. However, landfill is not a suitable long-term to handle the solid construction waste, as depleting the worlds natural resources, our pollution may be irreparably damaging its natural eco-system. The practice of solid waste management is underpinned by a hierarchy of waste control measures (Peng et al., 1997). This hierarchy, shown in Figure ##, means control measures are preferable to recycling rather than disposal the waste by incineration or land-filling. Recycling of solid waste means re-used the waste after that waste is re-processed. Therefore, the amount of solid waste of construction industry can be reduced by recycling. To recycle the solid waste, the building materials and components is needed to be re-examined their life cycle by life cycle assessment, that is the framework within which a material or product is examined through its entire from raw material extraction, manufacture, construction, use, maintenance and disposal. As a result, the solid wastes were used to be handled in one direction that is using for landfill, but now some of the solid wastes can be used for another construction works, so that the waste can be reduced. Nevertheless, in order to achieve the goal, all participants in the construction process are needed to make the integrated effort. If someone is going to demolition a building and want to recycle the construction waste, there should be another construction project that is going to use the recycled material. Effective waste management therefore requires a collaborative effort through the construction supply chain in which the client, designer, materials manufacturers and suppliers, construction and demolition contractors and waste disposal contractors all have an important role to play. Innovative design As it is mentioned above that designer is one of the parties that need to help a construction project become more environments. To reduce construction waste, innovations in the design of buildings can provide a greater flexibility and permit refurbishment and fit-out as when needed to do so. Buildings can also be designed to facilitate de-construction. As it is the preferred method of demolition, the materials used can choose as some re-use materials. Also, innovative design can have a significant impact on material wastage. For example, the roof of the Sydney Olympic Main Arana Grandstand was designed in such a way that it requited 22% less steel. Material Supply To minimize promoting waste during construction, suppliers of the material also play an important role, as they can rationalize production by standardizing components and reducing packaging. Also, they can participate with recycled content in the manufacture of products. Such as BHP, a leading Australian mining and resources company, manufactures 100% recycled steel products in its Sydney mini-mill which uses up to 300 000 tonnes of scrap steel each year. A better waste management can also be promoted by innovative supply arrangements. From some adopting practices like taking-back surplus or recyclable materials (Environment Australia, 2000), it is reported that some producers of construction materials now are starting to take responsibility for the whole life cycle of their products. An example is showing that Interface Australia Pty Ltd has refocused its supply arrangements to achieve less wasteful practices. The company of supplying modular carpet tiles has adopted a system throug h which customers lease rather than buy the carpet. Customers pay a monthly fee, which includes warranty, design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and final reclamation of the product, for the value and use of the carpet supplied. Construction Construction Contractor can also reduce solid waste during construction, as their works may include waste management plans, good site management and organization. Accurate estimating and ordering with nil allowance for waste reduces the volume of waste, the cost of materials and the cost of waste disposal. On the construction site, it should be clearly separated and labeled the wastes which can recycle and cannot recycle. It is reported that through its waste minimization measures, Fletcher Construction reduced waste disposal costs by 55% and increased profits compared to another project, of very similar design and construction, in which waste minimization measures were not implemented (McDonald, 1996). In the construction industry, in the large proportion of the work is sub-contracted, ensuring supplier and sub-contractor compliance with waste management plans is crucial. On the Stadium Australia project, 7000 fire doors were delivered direct from the factory without packaging and sub-contracts required compliance with project waste management plans and specified that packaging materials had to be returned to the original suppliers (Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2000). Demolition The demolition process generates the greatest volumes of waste in Construction Industry, so a good planning can reduce waste very effectively. Deconstruction of the components of a building should be done very carefully and taken apart piece by piece since these materials can salvage and re-use. Salvage and re-use of building components requires a network through which materials and purchasers can be matched. There are reported to be very successful material/waste exchanges operating in the United States, e.g., Mason Brothers in Vermont, who use a barter system to trade used items from buildings and are reportedly making a profit (Witten, 1992). Mason Brothers do not specialize in historical treasures but also supply low-end materials, such as US$10 doors and chipped bathtubs. Another successful broker of salvaged items is Urban Ore in Berkeley, California. The company operates a 2.2 acre (0.89 ha) warehouse, employs 16 people and reported expected gross sales of US$1,000,000 in 1992 (Hazen and Sawyer PC, 1993). At present, such exchanges are in their infancy in Australia although some government agencies have created exchange web sites. However, in some situation that salvage and re-use are not possible, due for instance to the use of composite materials, demolition waste can still be recycled. For example, during the demolition of the Balmain Power Station in Sydney, around 18 000 tonnes of concrete and brick and 2000 tonnes of steel were recycled (Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2000). Waste disposal In the waste management process, additional to the provision and emptying of skips, waste disposal contractors can also assist in through offering services. For a good practice illustrate, technological barriers to the management of solid construction waste are being overcome. Construction waste has a high potential for recovery and re-use (Cosper et al., 1993; Schlauder and Brickner, 1993) and recycling options for solid construction waste are also increasing (Merry, 1990; von Stein and Savage, 1994). However, the extent to which recycling, re-use and reduction of solid construction waste can be achieved depends on motivational and attitudinal influences on the behaviour of participants at all levels of the construction process, from site operatives, to clients, managers, foremen, suppliers and designers; pressures to complete work quickly, for example, might lead a tradesman to cut components from new material rather than spending time locating suitable previously cut pieces (Federle, 1993). In the construction industry, Skoyles and Skoyles (I 987) were the first to recognize that the problem of material wastage was more dependent upon the attitudes and behavioural tendencies of individuals involved in the construction process than upon the technical processes it employed. Since then other studies by Heino (1994), Soibelman et al. (1994), Guthrie and Mallett (1995), Lingard et al. (2000) and Teo (2000) have reinforced this view. Due to time and cost constraints, poor leadership and a lack of experience in dealing with environmental issues, their findings suggest that negative attitudes towards waste management prevail on construction projects. to the construction industry of making itself more sustainable, it would seem that the challenge is more fundamental than merely creating policies and systems to monitor work-practices. Rather, the problem is cultural and lies in changing peoples attitudes to issues such as waste management.

Child Labor Essay -- Essays Papers

Child Labor When child labor is examined, individuals and societies feel moral and emotional tugs. The Freudian super ego is appalled that, especially in the modern world, there would be such a preposterous issue. The Freudian id would rationalize numerous reasons, even justifications, of why child labor exists and would be necessary. Every corner of the earth has known this conflict to one degree or another. In the United States, the conflict is activated or denied with the purchase of an expensive sneaker. The child who is exploited on the other side of the world rarely receives a nod of concern for the slavery he endures. Countless items are similarly purchased with similar child working conditions. The children of note are under fifteen years of age and economically active. There are 120 million of these exploited human beings who work full time, often ten hours per day. The three C’s of child labor are its causes, consequences, and cures. Causes and cures receive the greatest focus, but the consequences of child labor are far-reaching and long lasting. Yesterday’s child laborers are today’s uneducated, non-productive adults. Statistics indicate improvement in child labor issues, but trends can be reversed easily. Some child labor is more service-oriented and not a part that can be challenged by a boycott or legislation. Child labor in some countries involves being a servant who does not produce goods. Before identifying the consequences of child labor, probable causes and possible cures must be identified. The causes of child labor are many, including poverty, poor education, limiting workers’ rights, poor laws for child labor, global competition, free trade rules, and structural a... ... labor problems are in the past. But even in developed countries, examples of child labor abuse are present in agricultural and service industries. There is still much work to be done educationally, politically and legally. Bibliography Hutchins, B.I. and A. Harrison. 1903. A History of Factory Legislation. London: P.S. King and Son. [References to 1966 ed. By London: Cass.] Weiner, Myron. 1991. The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective. Princeton: Princeton U. Press.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Use of Myths in the Film Scarface :: Movie Film Essays

The Use of Myths in the Film Scarface When I began thinking about the use of myths in the Howard Hawks film, Scarface, my first thoughts were about the portrayal of the myth of the American Dream. I started to write about it but then I began thinking about how I could relate this film to Greek Mythology. I thought of some interesting parallels between this story and the story of Icarus. In mythology Icarus is the son of the craftsman, Daedalus. King Minos of Crete imprisons Icarus and his father in a labyrinth that Daedalus, himself, created. To escape, Daedalus crafts two pairs of wings from wax and feathers. Daedalus warns his son not to fly to close to the sun because it will melt the wax. Icarus doesn’t heed the warning of his father and falls to his death in the sea. In Scarface, Tony Camonte is a gangster on the rise in the world of organized crime. He builds an empire through murder and deceit and ends up dying in a barrage of police gunfire. In the movie, Tony represents Icarus. Tony seeks to create his empire through by any means necessary. He comes up from the humble beginnings of being a poor Italian immigrant to ultimately becoming a powerful mob boss. Through alienating all those close to him, he builds his own labyrinth around himself, which can be thought of as his steel fortress. He tries to escape by crafting wax wings in the form of an insatiable thirst for power. He thinks that if he just has more money or more power he will be able to escape his inevitable fate. He ignores the countless pleas of his mother to straighten up his life. Her character can be seen as Daedalus, she makes a sincere effort to steer her son to safety, but ultimately it is his decision and he ends up flying to close to the sun.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ausubel’s Expository Teaching Model Essay -- Ausubel Expository Teachi

Ausubel’s Expository Teaching Model Highly abstract concepts, such as jurisprudence and sovereignty, oftentimes cause high school students much struggle when trying to thoroughly understand such conceptual ideas. To teach these theoretical concepts, one must not only equivalently utilize David Ausubel’s Expository teaching model, but also retain an overall knowledge of other valuable strategies related to Ausubels’s model (Woolfolk, 2004, p. 281). To Ausubel, the most significant idea is that of the advance organizer, a statement of introduction that aids students in organizing the information about to be presented. Also to a teacher’s benefit are the ideas needed to form a concept, such as exemplars, defining features, irrelevant features, non-examples, and prototypes. Introducing the advance organizer, presenting ideas in terms of specific examples, and linking the content back to the advance organizer is Ausubel’s model for expository teaching (Woolfolk, 2004, p. 283).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ausubel’s expository teaching primarily focuses on teaching general ideas to comprehend one specific concept, otherwise known as deductive reasoning. His approach always begins with an advance organizer (Woolfolk, 2004, p. 282). This statement aids in priming the students for the context and idea about to be described. It will help in developing schemas, or organizing information, and helps direct all attention to the key ideas coming from the material being presented.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first of the two types of organizer is the expository organizer, which primarily focuses the introduction of new material. The second is the comparative organizer, which compares old and new information resulting in students accessing schemas already in their working memory, otherwise know as the â€Å"temporary storage of information that is being processed in a range of cognitive tasks† (Woolfolk, 2004, p. 242). An expository lesson must always elaborate on the advance organizer. Connecting the information back to the organizer should also be utilized in completing the lesson. Identifying qualities such as defining features (required features), exemplars (actual instances), irrelevant features (often present but not relevant), and non-examples will all assist in creating a prototype, or an ideal example, to aid in grasping the concept. The goal is the ability to take the concept and relate it back to th... ...and trees to compare by non-examples. My instructor concluded his lesson by highlighting his organizer and repeating the idea that abstract ideas were all symbols of something. Abstractions are not an actual object itself, as opposed to concrete ideas that are material and solid.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The expository method can be ideal for teaching abstract concepts such as jurisprudence and sovereignty to high school students within a limited amount of time. Through first naming the concept and giving the definition, as well as applying tools such as the advance organizer, a teacher will gain the students attention and allow them to organize their ideas in order to make connections. When teaching a concept, it is best to keep in mind that students will respond most when a concept is taught in a way that is useful and efficient versus being taught in a manner geared only towards answering exam questions. By extending and connecting the concepts in these significant ways, students will be able to focus on the meaning and not on memorization. Sources Cited: Woolfolk, A. (2004). Educational Psychology (9th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What Has to Kill a Mockingbird Taught You About Prejudice and Justice?

What Has To Kill a Mockingbird Taught You about Prejudice and Justice? After reading this book I had a great knowledge of prejudice and justice in the Deep South in the 1930s. In 1861 – 1865 war was on. Parliament abolished slavery in America in 1865 but the south needed slaves for their trade. So they carried on mistreating blacks, disobeying the law. After the war (with the North winning) blacks were still treated with injustice and inequality. The blacks still had bad jobs and most of them worked for the whites for instance a cleaner or maid. When Tom Robinson was on trial in the court there were no black people in the jury.The black people who wanted to watch the trial had to sit on the upper tier where there were limited seats so most of them stood. †Your fathers no better than the niggers and trash he works for† Miss Dubose told Jem. This is an extremely racist and somewhat unnecessary comment for Miss Dubose to make. This implies that Atticus is worse than, in her opinion, the blacks and other lower class of the town. Whites treated blacks like dirt and looked down on them whenever they would pass them in the street. There was a clear social hierarchy in Maycomb; the whites viewed themselves significantly higher than the blacks.All of Tom Robinson’s evidence in the court case showed that he was not guilty but because he was black the jury sentenced him to prison. Judge Taylor did not want to sentence Tom Robinson but the majority of the jury agreed on him being guilty. They all thought that just because he was black he lied and was cruel to people. Aunt Alexandra had a somewhat haughty attitude towards things like this. Atticus and Aunt Alexandra had very different views on the way of life and the way people should live. For instance they both had very different perceptions on the word trashy.Atticus uses the word trashy to describe a stuck-up white man being racist towards a black man but Aunt Alexandra uses it to describe Walt er Cunningham and his family. The clear distinction between these two very different uses of the word is that Atticus uses it to describe people who are generally ignorant but Alexandra uses it to describe people of the lower class who are dirty. This reveals that the whole way through the story Alexandra sticks to her views and not even after Tom Robinson’s court case does she change her mind. In a way Atticus does the same thing and throughout the novel fights to uphold justice.Atticus is the only white man apart from Judge Taylor who is not racist or prejudice towards the blacks. In the middle of the novel when Tom Robinson is in jail, Atticus guards him himself all night and when Mr Cunningham and a group of other men ambush him all Atticus does is try to keep the peace. Miss Dubose constantly has a moan about Atticus and what he stands for and Atticus completely ignores it and is extremely polite to her. He is an extremely kind and gentle man who is loyal to Tom Robinson . At the start of the novel Scout is incredibly naive, angry and violent.She also has no respect for other people like Walter Cunnigham. Scout finds it odd and strange that Walter Cunningham pours syrup all over his meal and she isn’t afraid to express her opinion vocally. This upsets not only Walter but Calpurnia as well and Scout gets a good telling off from her. This shows that Scout is not only disrespectful and rude but can also be slightly snobby. When she first heard of Boo Radley she pictured him peculiar looking and was awfully scared of him. Then when Boo started leaving gifts in a tree for Jem and Scout she thought that he could maybe be alright and not creepy like she thought.Then towards the end when Boo kills Bob Ewell to defend the children, Scout realises that he is a kind and not at all freaky. In fact she takes him by the hand and talks to him with high regard. These series of extremely shocking events changes Scouts character throughout the story. To Kill a Mockingbird has taught me a great deal about Prejudice and Justice. I have especially learned about Justice from the way that Atticus acted ,the way that Scout changed but most of all Tom Robinson and the people involved in the court case.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Professional Career Action Plan Essay

My professional goal is to work behind a desk and computer. I have had serveral different ventures on trying to come up with my professional goal but I see myself being extremely good with computer and importing information into a database. This being said, I can see myself being an administrative assistant and or in the coding and billing field. I have that energy to strive in both professional goals and build with a company as they grow. Both professional fields will consist of me working wtih computers. Either importing (filing) patient information, communicating via computer with other medical personnel, and of course verbally communicating with all parties involved in the case. My professional goals come from me always working with computers. I first thought I would be a computer technician but decided to take my career on a different path because the health care industry will be around for eternity. Both, administrative assistant and coding and billing departments will recommend me to further my education. In either direction that I plan to go I will need more schooling so that my professionals goals are met. My first career goal is to become an Administrative Assistant. An administrative assistant has many of the same duties as a secretary, including typing, filing, answering phones and taking notes at meetings (WiseGEEK, 2014). These are all the things that I enjoy doing and can see myself fitting well in this position. Being a medical adminstrative assistant also includes duties such as managing the day to day operations of a medical facility so that the facility is ran smoothly, verifying patient insurance so that they are billed correctly, providing quality customer service to all patients, and also working in a professional enviornment. My second career goal if all fails with my first goal is to find a position in medical coding and billing. As a medical coding and billing professional, you will review patient medical records and assign codes to diagnoses and procedures performed so the facility can bill insurance and other third party payers (such as Medicare or Medicaid) as well as the patient (Career Step, 2014). To fulffill this career goal I will have to go back to school and obtain at least a certificate in this area. I will need to better understanding the different codings so that I can proper work in this area. In both administrative assistant and medical coding and billing field in the health care industry I currently possess the ability to work with all types of computer software. I am a fast learner when it comes to computers and filing. I have the ability to understand computer software with reporting and emailing, I am a self starter, committed to self study to further professional developments, I have excellent troubleshooting skill, I enjoy seeing projects through from inception to completion, I am upbeat and friendly, I can easily adapt to new enviornments and changing priorities, I have excellent memory and attention to detail, I have also worked in a strong professional background. Softwares that I have the ability to manage with no assistance are: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, and Microsoft Excel. I am very comfortable using these softwares and I have tons of experience doing so. I am extremely confident with the softwares that I have the ability to use and I am willing to learn other software programs if they will benefit me in my career path. Note taking is another skill. In my current employment I am writing all day. I have to notate my daily task with patients when they are under my care. In an administrative assistant position I will be taking notes when needed to better Communication is a skill that would definitely need to change in either one of my career goals. Communicating with patients, physicians, nurses, and also insurance companies is a strong skill that need to be possessed in both fields. I am not a big communicator but I have the ability to speak when needed. I would like to change this skill because it can get me further on  my journey to reach my career goals. A skill of mine that could be altered would be my computer skills. Even though I am fluent with computer technology there may be a way that I am processing information that is not actually the correct way or the shortess way of doing so. I am proficient in many computer software program but I am sure that I could be taught and grasp information different seeing though that I have no professional experience working with computers in a big indusrty. Another skill that can be altered is my ability to work in groups if needed. I am a self starter and prefer to work alone on projects but I am more than capable of working with others on big projects. I am opinionated especially when it comes to a group project where my job may be on the line. All in all there are many skills that could be changed and or altered depending on the professional career direction that I consider to go in. To ultimately achieve my professionals goals it will take up to at least two years. I will be completing my bachelors degree in the next two months but will have to return back to school to obtain another degree and or just a certificate. Even after obtain all my degrees and certificates I would like to do an internship so that I can have that professional feel, seeing that I have no experience in either position. I would most likely physicially go into a school for further education with coding and billing. This is because I think I would be able to grasp the information a little better knowing there will be many codes for different areas of concern. I have someone that I am very close to in the coding and billing field so it is very possible that I can speak with them further about their experience. This may also determine if I want to go in that direction. During this time I will consider in which direction I want to go whether it is an administrative assistant and or in the coding and fielding field. Either way I see it taking some time so that I can fully understand and grasp the knowledge of both fields. Volunteering would be another way that would be beneficial to ultimately achieving my long term professional goals. In order  to do this I will need to verbally communicate and do major research on organization in my area that would accomidate my needs to help me grow. In my area, there are many professional organization that can help to achieve my professional goals. Even with my current employer, although I work as a caregiver, they would give me the opportunity to work within the office doing volunteer work and or even helping me with questions that I may have about my career goal. I could also do some research for hospitals in my area that offer internships so that I could get that feel of exactly what it is that I will be doing. There are health care organization such as hospitals, clinics within the hospital, and clinics within the city along with multiple dental clinics. Having all these health care organizations around would help to benefit me. My career action plan outline provides beneficial reasoning to which direction I will probably head into. Being able to see the outcome of each career goal and what they offer will help me in the next few month determine which career path I will take. The outline defined each awareness that I may have while analyzing the job descriptions for each career. At the end of my bachelors program I will have some better insight in which direction I want to go in so that I can enroll in a traditional school for further education. While obtaining my degree and or certificate I will start researhing organization that will allow me to intership. Once I have fully obtained what is need, with the intership I will hopefully have landed a position either with the same organization or with another organization close by. References Career Step (2014). Job Description. Retrieved on February 1, 2014 from WiseGEEK (2014). What Is an Administrative Assistant? Retrieved on February 1, 2014 from

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mode of Entry in India by Foreign Investors

foreign capital implies funds that are raised from foreign investors for investment purposes in development projects of a host country. Any investment flowing from one country to another country is foreign investment. This concept came in 1950s when many capital deficient countries resorted to foreign capital as a primary means to achieve rapid economic growth. Foreign capital can enter the country in the form of: 1. Direct Investment 2. Indirect Investment Also, with time the concept of foreign aid came up. It is nothing but movement of money from one country to another in the form of aid for development.It flows to developing countries in the form of loans, assistance and outright grants from various governmental and international organizations ADVANTAGES OF FOREIGN CAPITAL 1. It raises the level of investment – Brings in more industries and technology to the country and gives boost to the employment, production and economy of the host country. 2. Helps in upgradation of tec hnology – Foreign investment brings with it the technological knowledge while transferring machinery and equipment to developing countries. 3.Exploitation of natural resources – A number of underdeveloped countries process huge mineral resources, which awaits exploitation. These countries themselves do not possess the required technical skill and expertise to accomplish this task. 4. Development of basic economic infrastructure – Underdeveloped or developing countries require a huge capital investment for development of basic economic structure as their domestic capital is often too adequate. 5. Improves export competitiveness – A foreign investment can help the host country to improve its export performance.This is because of increase in the level of efficiency and the standard of product quality. Also, better access to foreign market further improves the export competitiveness. 6. Benefits the consumers with competitive market – Consumers in deve loping countries stand to gain from a foreign investment through new products and improved quality of goods at competitive prices. 7. Generates revenue to the government – The profit generation by a foreign investment in the host country contributes to the corporate tax revenue in the latter. 8.Supplements domestic savings – Less developed countries lack sufficient savings, required for investment in development projects like building economic and social infrastructure. Foreign capital bridges this gap. 9. Employment increases in the host country – As foreign companies come up, they establish their plant in the host country. As a result, employment also increases. DISADVANTAGES OF FOREIGN CAPITAL 1. Countries face severe debt problems – If all the investors who have invested in the host country, pull out their money overnight then the host country comes in debt. 2.Appreciation of real exchange rate occurs – As more foreign investors invest in the c ountry, the demand for the domestic currency rises. This causes appreciation of domestic currency and hence loss of competitiveness of exports as they become costlier. 3. Chances of inflation – Domestic supply of money increases and if this money is not utilized and absorbed in profitable projects then there is an inclination towards inflation. 4. The economy becomes overvalued – As the investors come in, the money in the economy starts flowing causing unnecessary appreciation in foreign currency. 5.Domestic market is affected – When foreign investments compete with the home investments, the profits in the domestic industries fall, thereby leading to a fall in domestic savings. 6. There is less contribution to public revenue – As the corporate taxes are comparatively less because of liberal tax concessions, investment allowances, designed public subsidies and tariff protection that are provided by the host government. ————†”———————————- TYPES OF FOREIGN CAPITAL There are five major types of foreign capital. They are – 1. Foreign Direct  Investment (FDI)It is a process whereby residents of the source country acquires the ownership of assets for the purpose of controlling the production, distribution and other activities of a firm in the host country. The foreign investors are free to invest in India, except few sectors/activities, where prior approval from the Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) or Foreign Investment Promotion Board (‘FIPB’) would be required. The followings activities/sectors requires prior approval of FIPB. a. Manufacture of Cigars & Cigarettes of tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes b.Manufacture of Electronic aerospace and defence equipments c. Manufacture of items exclusively reserved for Small Scale Sector with more than 24% FDI d. Proposals in which the foreign col laborator has an existing financial / technical collaboration in India in the ‘same’ field e. All proposals falling outside notified sectoral policy. The foreign investors planning to set of business in India have two options, either to set up a separate corporate entity in India, i. e. incorporating an Indian company or through unincorporated entity, i. e. Branch Office of the foreign entity.Incorporation of an Indian company can be possible under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The foreign investors can invest in such Indian company up to 100% of capital depending upon sectoral guidelines prescribed by the Government of India. Under Second Option, a foreign company are allowed to operate in India, subject to conditions and activities permitted under the Foreign Exchange Management (Establishment in India of Branch Office of other place of business) Regulations, 2000, through setting up either of the followings: Liaison Office/Representative Office; Project Office; or Branch Office.While making entry into any nation, innumerable clearances are to be obtained at the state and district levels. Also, a number of practical hurdles, such as infrastructure bottlenecks have to be overcome. Also, the exit is difficult, in the sense that, archaic labour laws, such as the Industrial Disputes Act, prohibit the closure of any company. ADVANTAGES OF FDI Below mentioned are some of the advantages of FDI. They are very similar to that of foreign capital. 1. Growth and employment 2. Technology and know how 3. Access to goods and services 4. Fill the savings gap DISADVANTAGES OF FDI . Political lobbying – In the past, there have been many instances in which MNCs have resorted to political lobbying in order to get certain policies and laws implemented in their favor. 2. Exploitation of resources – Exploitation of natural resources of a host country is not a very uncommon phenomenon in the case of FDI. MNCs of other countries have been know n to indiscriminately exploit the resources of host countries in order to get short run gains and profits and have even chosen to ignore the sustainability factors associated with the local communities and local habitat. . Threaten small scale industries – MNCs have large economic and pricing power due to their large sizes. They do not have much problem with regards to financial capital and can hence resort to using advertising which is a costly affair. Also, these companies are global players who have their operations spread across countries and have effective supply chains which enable them to have economies of scale which smaller players in the domestic market of the host country cannot compete with.All this results in the MNC having cheaper products and more visibility due to the higher amounts of advertising and have been known to push out smaller industries out of business. 4. Technology – Although, the MNCs have access to new and cutting edge technology, they do not transfer the latest technology to the host country with a fear that their home country may loose its competitive advantage. 2. Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) FPI is buying and selling of shares, convertible debentures of Indian companies and units of domestic mutual funds at any of the Indian stock exchanges.FPI are done by foreign investors in shares, bonds and equity market. It brings foreign exchange to the country but it has its own problems as it brings volatile money to the country. Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) can make portfolio investments. FIIs are allowed to invest in the primary and secondary capital markets in India under the Portfolio Investment Scheme 3. Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) FII is defined as an institution established or incorporated outside India for making investment in Indian securities.They may invest in securities traded in both the primary and secondary markets. These securities include shares, debentures, and units of mutual funds Foreign Institutional Investments are the investments by foreign financial institutes like banks, insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds etc. These are mostly in Govt. securities which are quite secure. The entry and exit are very simple through FII’s. FIIs must register themselves with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and comply with the exchange control regulations of RBI. 4. External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)ECB refer to commercial loans (in the form of bank loans, buyers’ credit, suppliers’ credit, securitised instruments) availed from non-resident lenders with minimum average maturity of 3 years. ECB for investment in real sector – industrial sector, especially infrastructure sector-in India, are under Automatic Route. ECB in the following requires approval of the government : a. Activities/items that require an Industrial Licence b. Proposals in which the foreign collaborator has an existing venture/tie up in Indi a c. Proposals for acquisition of shares in an existing Indian company in some cases. . Depository Receipts (ADR/GDR) ADR is adopted by many large and well respected companies from India to raise funds from American Markets. If any Indian Company has issued ADRs in the American market wishes to further extend it to other developed and advanced countries such as Europe, then they can sell these ADRs to the public of Europe and the same would be named as GDR. ADRs and GDRs are not for investors in India – they can invest directly in the shares of various Indian companies. They are an excellent means of investment for NRIs and foreign nationals wanting to invest in India.By buying these, they can invest directly in Indian companies without going through the hassle of understanding the rules and working of the Indian financial market – since ADRs and GDRs are traded like any other stock. NRIs and foreigners can buy these using their regular equity trading accounts.  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ROUTES OF ENTRY There are majorly two routes for entry in India – 1. Automatic Route : The route wherein no government approval is required for the investors. As a reference, FDI up to 100% is allowed in all activities/sectors. 2.Approval Route : The route wherein Government approval is required. This is done by either RBI or FIPB. Apart, from two major classifications. There can also be other classification also as shown below – 1. As a foreign company through a Liaison Office/ Representative Office, Project Office or a Branch Office. 2. As an Indian company through a Joint Venture or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary. LIAISON OFFICE / REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Foreign corporations/entities are permitted to open liaison offices/representative offices in India for undertaking liaison activities on their behalf. Approval from RBI is needed.No fees, commission o r remuneration can be charged by the Indian liaison office. Liaison office cannot directly or indirectly undertake any trading, commercial or manufacturing activity and therefore, cannot earn any income in India. Its role is limited – 1. to representing the parent company/group companies in India 2. promoting export/import from/to India 3. promoting collaborations between parent company and companies in India 4. collecting information about possible market opportunities and providing information about the company and its products to prospective Indian customers.PROJECT OFFICE A foreign corporation, which has secured a contract from an Indian company to execute a project in India, is allowed to establish a project office in India without obtaining prior permission from RBI. Such offices cannot undertake or carry on any activity other than the activity relating to the execution of the project. The foreign corporation which sets up such a project office is required to furnish a prescribed report to the concerned regional office of RBI under whose jurisdiction the project office is set up.BRANCH OFFICE Foreign corporations/entities engaged in manufacturing and trading activities abroad are allowed to set up branch offices in India. The branch office can carry the same activities as the ones carried on by the foreign corporation overseas except that it cannot carry manufacturing activity on its own (sub-contracting is permitted). It can also stock & sell products in India and is permitted to acquire immovable property necessary or incidental to carrying on activities permitted by RBI. Green field investment:-A form of foreign direct investment where a parent company starts a new venture in a foreign country by constructing new operational facilities from the ground up. It occurs when multinational corporations enter into devolping countries to build new factories. Advantages:- Firm can build the subsidiary it wants. Relatively easily to establish operating r outines. New jobs are created in the local market. Disadvantages:- Faces competition before it is set up Time consuming research has to be carried out before hand. Emerging markets might be unstable, hence leading to extra costs & time consumption. Lengthy process from scratchBrown field investment:- The purchasing of an existing production or business facility by companies or governmental agencies for the purpose of starting new product or service production activity. This type of investment does not involved the new construction of plant operation facility. It is also called merger and acquisition. Advantages:- Less time consuming & quick to execute. Less risky as compared to greenfield. Immediate grab of market share. Reduce competition by taking over rival. The investor can bank on the existing goodwill of the acquired business. Disadvantages:- Not always successful.Cultural clash reducing effectiveness. Some workers are laid off, this affects motivational levels of present work ers JOINT VENTURE The cooperation of two or more individuals or businesses in which each agrees to share profit, loss and control in a specific enterprise. A Joint venture is a business agreement in which parties agree to develop, a new entity and new assets by contributing equity. The cooperation of two or more individuals or businesses in which each agrees to share profit, loss and control in a specific enterprise. Forming a joint venture is a good way for companies to partner without having to merge.JV’S are typically taxed as a partnership. Advantages:- Help the company to grow in those areas where the company does not have any expertise and would have failed if it was not for joint venture. Joint venture can help the company in reducing the risks which are associated with starting a new business. It results in better utilization of the resources which company has at its disposal. Disadvantages:- It does not give the management of the company control because the decisions are taken by both the companies and therefore it can create problems if both companies do not agree on some issues.It is difficult to integrate resources of companies entering into joint ventures WHOLLY – OWNED SUBSIDIARY A Foreign corporation can set up its subsidiary company either in the form of a private limited company or as a public limited company in India. A company in India is required to be incorporated under The Companies Act, 1956. In comparison with the branch office and liaison office, a subsidiary company provides maximum flexibility for conducting business in India. It can also undertake manufacturing activities in India